April 21 2023

Launch Day for Survey 1

The first survey is available as of April 21. The closing date for the survey is June 1, so don't delay. Fill it out today and let us know what you think. Go to our Let's Connect page to fill in the survey and learn more: Alberni Valley Aquatics Outreach | Let's Connect ACRD (letsconnectacrd.ca) 

May 31 2023

Alberni Valley Aquatics Open House and Workshop

Join us for an interactive workshop and open house designed to offer an opportunity to explore the issues and opinions related to Aquatics for our Valley. 

Beginning at 4 pm, we will be hosting two open houses - one at Echo Centre (Cedar Room) and one at Cherry Creek Community Hall. This will give you an opportunity to get up to date on the project, ask questions of the team, and offer your input.

At 5 pm, we will kick off the workshop part of the evening at both locations. This will offer two hours to participate in small group discussions on various topics related to aquatics in the Valley. This is your chance to share your thoughts and opinions.

Time: 4-7 pm

Choose a location that works for you: Cherry Creek Community Hall and Echo Centre (Cedar Room)

NOTE: The agenda for both locations will be the same and input from each session will be weighed equally. 

June 01 2023

Deadline for Survey #1

We are almost two weeks away from the deadline to fill out Survey #1. This survey will help shape the next phase of this project and takes only 10 minutes to complete. Here's the link: Alberni Valley Aquatics Outreach | Let's Connect ACRD (letsconnectacrd.ca) 

June 15 2023

Extended deadline for Survey #1

October 2023

Survey #2 is LIVE!

November 29 2023

Aquatic Open House #2

We have a date, but more details will be coming.

December 08 2023

Deadline for Survey #2